Recycled materials as solution for traceability issues?

Are recycled materials a solution for traceability issues?

Traceability is the “Where, who, and how”.
Each step in the production chain is known AND communicated. 

Lack of traceability of materials is the biggest challenge we face at Ida&Volta.

The bulk of textiles on the market are pretty much anonymous, with end suppliers buying the materials through middlemen and unable to pinpoint where it comes from (or not willing to tell us?).

Why is full traceability so important to us?

It is the ONLY WAY to ensure that our standards; with regards to the environment, human and animal well being, are being fulfilled. In the current state of the fashion industry, it is safe to assume that when a product is not traceable, many corners have been cut.

Which questions are left unanswered when a material is not fully traceable?

  1. Have natural resources (water, soil, waste management) been cared for while herding the sheep and/or farming the crop?
  2. Did the farmers who cared for the animals or crops receive a fair price for their product?
  3. How to check on animal treatment if we do not know where they were being kept?
  4. What about working conditions and fair pay for those involved in processing the raw material into yarns or fabric?
  5. Transport footprint: How often and how far have the materials travelled throughout its conception chain?

So, are recycled materials a solution for traceability issues?
They offer a beautiful alternative.

When we really want to work with a certain material, like cashmere, but cannot find a supplier that can provide us insight in its production chain, we look into the recycled alternative. This way we can guarantee that no extra burden has been put upon the ecosystem, farmers or animals. 

Products by Ida&Volta made with recycled materials


many talks with suppliers
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